before you book! ↓
Take a look at what I have to say in my bio–it’s not an ad or a promise–it’s how I show up. If the descriptions below all vibe, I sincerely welcome you to reach out for a meeting. I collaborate with people aligned to all a/sexualities, a/genders, relationship styles, and family compositions
a bit of my whole deal as a therapist
Relationships relationships relationships! I’m talking about culture, people, infrastructure, the land: all of our bonds and ties. I see that relationships are how we come to understand the world, ourselves, what’s “permitted”, and what actions or feelings are deemed safe enough or too dangerous. I firmly believe that it is impossible to understand our inner and outer world without understanding the strengths, weaknesses, and patterns in how we connect and disconnect
In my psychotherapeutic work, I collaborate with couples and groups who want to exist in tenderness together, who want to recognize and accept bids for connection, and who are ready to be creative in how we tend to the needs of all of your bonds.
my areas of focus:
• relationships (couples and non-monogamous partnerships, queerplatonic and asexual partnerships, family and friends, community, land)
• how our relationships are affected by and exist within white supremacy, imperialism and settler colonialism, late state capitalism, and how systems of oppression get maintained and supported in our attitudes towards and interactions with one other
• sex and physical intimacy (including kink, BDSM, platonic intimacy, asexual intimacy), liberation of all bodies
more about me
My bonds in life are experienced in a body that is chronically ill, as well as deeply sensitive and alive to sensory experiences. My bonds are experienced in a mind that is highly monotropic. My bonds, including my professional therapeutic bonds, are affected by and mitigated via structures that place me as Other (disability, gender expression/experience, relationship structures and relational activities), and structures that place me as Better Than (class, white supremacy,
educational status).
My work in this area is directly tied to my experiences with co-creating deep, meaningful bonds inside and outside “therapy” spaces. Prior to this type of support, I participated in peer support and community education (specifically around consent, BDSM, and romantic relationships) that centred around the idea of fostering strong connections and productive conflict.
some quotes I like:
“Resilience is not an internal trait that people carry around with them. Participating in another person’s growth is crucial to one’s well-being. We are beings who seek mutuality and gain meaning from being a part of and contributing to something larger.” Judith V. Jordan. (2018). Relational-Cultural Therapy (2nd ed., pp. 70)
“Without feelings insignificant decisions become excruciating attempts to compare endless arrays of inconsequential things. It’s just easier to handle those with emotions.” Leckie, A. (2013). Ancillary Justice (pp. 88)
“Silent and lifeless, people sit side by side as if their souls were wandering about far away. But these souls are not wandering according to their own preference; they are badgered by the news hounds, and soon no one can tell anymore who is the hunter and who is the hunted.” Kracauer, S. (1995, original 1924). Boredom. In Levin T. Y. (Ed.) The Mass Ornament: Weimar Essays pp. 333
####I’m a Registered Psychotherapist with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario
(yes, if you have insurance then they will likely cover my services!)